Use it or lose it
If you are a small business owner, you probably know how difficult it is to be both a manager, a logistician, and a marketer of your company. It’s a habit for you to combine several things at the same time. Promoting your business in a search engine, you know that this is very, very difficult.
When you are a small business owner, you need to consider many factors at the same time. You need to be flexible and continuously adapt to often unpredictable circumstances. It’s effortless to get tired of it and easy to get lost in it. Therefore, you may not want to delve into the topic of social media. And in vain.
We all know that the average user spends more and more time on the Internet using a smartphone, not a computer, or even a laptop. Smartphones are confidently in the lead. Not surprisingly, the most frequently visited sites from a smartphone are social networks. And this is one of the reasons why it is essential to use it to promote your business. In this article, we will give you some useful tips that will show you how this works. You will learn several tricks to help you promote your product or service more effectively than you did before. Start reading because the sooner you start, the faster you will get a significant experience that will make your business more successful. So here we go!
Is a social media strategy needed at all?
A social media strategy is a plan for achieving business goals with the help of social media, which is scheduled step by step.
Yes, the Internet is a vast market, but, like in any other marketing activity, you need to decide what you plan to achieve. Only by understanding your client can you find out if he or she is using social networks. If you work in a company that introduces a new electronic product or opens a restaurant, there is an excellent chance that your client is online. And you will have many options for attracting customers, and the social media strategy is one of them.
The best tool for social media has two parts, a good platform, and a quality management tool. When it comes to the first, there is no single best and ideal platform. For each, it has its own, and this can only be understood from our personal experience. The combination of platforms and various options for their combination will work in a small business much better. Most likely, you need to pay attention to the budget, the cheaper, the better for a small enterprise. The question remains how much do you want to spend on each platform.
Social media strategy is your way to success. But you need to understand that the more carefully thought out your social media strategy, the more chances to achieve the desired result. Facebook will offer you cost-per-click and cost-per-thousand impressions. You must find out what exactly suits you. The most common mistake is the creation of many sites and accounts. Businesses should have one account or a couple of attractive and exciting pages on social media than six or seven pages with a wealth of information. Decide initially which social platform suits you based on factors such as the target audience and market segment. Your social media strategy will lead you to success if you do not regret the energy and time to develop this. Your business will be grateful to you.
How to choose the right social media platform?
To do this, we give some statistics on some platforms. You can get more detailed statistics by sending an email to us.
Currently, Facebook has about 2.4 billion active users, which is astounding in its number. This is a top-rated social media platform. You are unlikely to find someone who will never hear about Facebook.
Approximately 70% of SMM professionals choose Facebook as a leading social media platform to promote their business; 85 % of them use paid advertising, which indicates its effectiveness. You should also try paid advertising if you want to get a quick result. This is pretty simple. You will find clear instructions explaining how to do this correctly. There is a lot of information on this social network on the Internet because Facebook is the third most popular site in the world right after Google and YouTube.
Did you know that 1.49 billion users visit social networks daily? If one percent of these people visit your profile, your business can already be called successful. Try, perhaps, it is your idea to succeed because, on average, each user clicks on eight advertisements per month. How often do you do this? Think like a user to attract the right audience that will not only be interested in your brand but also wants to purchase your product or service.
60% of users are subscribed to brand pages to get access to the remaining 40% – you need to use paid advertising;
Facebook is chosen for promotion and is considered the most effective platform for both B2B and B2C business segments. It’s time to try it first-hand.
Approximately 1.9 billion users enjoy YouTube. Most likely, you are one of them, because YouTube has no equal in popularity. According to statistics, 80% of people aged 18 to 49 watch YouTube three times a week, but most users do it even more often. YouTube has genuinely replaced television these days. Many factors facilitated this.
The first ad was shown on YouTube in 2007. On average, users watch 40 minutes of video content per day. Nowadays, this is an excellent platform for advertising. You need to take this chance for a large number of people to know about your brand. Users watch 1 billion hours of video daily. This amount of time may include your ad. Think about it.
YouTube is a suitable social media platform for companies that can create various videos with product tips, video reviews, and other useful customer information. You do not have to buy ads from other channels. You can maintain your channel and promote it. The choice depends on the budget that you are willing to allocate for this. Creating a proper channel is not cheap, but it pays off ultimately, be sure.
About 1 billion users use this social media platform. Among them, 52% are women, 48% are men. This social media is most popular among people aged 18-24.
This social media platform is relevant for the promotion of products targeted at a young target audience, business accounts of clothing, accessories, cosmetics, gifts, and gadgets are popular. Also, restaurants, wedding agencies, professional photographers, and beauty salons often choose this social network for promotion. This is an excellent choice for small businesses. Here you can find your customers relatively easily. This social media platform will help you grow your business.
Promotion in social networks on your own
You can advance on social networks on your own, but for this, it is worth exploring the basics of social media marketing. Training social media marketing will help to easily navigate in a variety of tools, which are now very much, and ways of promotion, so as not to reduce all the work in social networks to post beautiful pictures.
But first, of course, you should study the professional terms of social media marketing. This will significantly simplify your work. Do it with pleasure, to develop the right attitude to the study of social media marketing.
For independent SMM promotion, you can use the following social media tools:
- communication with your visitor \ user \ follower in the comments;
- posting valuable information about your services or products in communities;
- hidden and viral marketing;
- direct advertising;
- monitoring company mentions in social networks.
As you know, there is a lot of work. Get started now. Do not put it off for later. Here the whole world of social media marketing opens for you. You still have a lot to learn to continually attract more and more customers and turn a simple customer into a loyal one with the help of social media tools.
Promotion with the help of a specialist
If it is not possible to master social media tools on your own, you need to find a specialist in the state or contact a freelancer or an agency. It is essential to pay attention to the experience and resume of the specialist. It is desirable that previous employers could confirm his competence. You can ask for contacts from this specialist’s earlier clients, then the chance of cheating will be significantly reduced.
Specialists working on promoting companies on social networks have different positions, such as an SMM specialist, a community manager, an SMM project manager, or an SMM marketer. This may not bother you, although their skills and responsibilities may vary significantly depending on the companies in which they work. That is why you need to study, along with specialized terms, what services what type of specialist performs. It is also essential to indicate that you are interested in small business, because the instruments of influence may be different.
For quality work, it is necessary that the employee continuously monitors trends and innovations in the field of social networks, draws up a promotion strategy and a current content plan for small businesses, analyzes competitor communities, and more. Of course, this cannot always be verified. And yet, it is better to contact a trusted company. If you need a consultation, you can contact our agency and help you with this problem.
Bottom line
Now you know that social media marketing for small businesses is an active channel for promotion. You need to take time for this, study the terms of this sphere, subtleties, and build a development plan; in other words, you need an action plan. Of course, to create an effective strategy, you need experience. And therefore, if you want it for the first time, you should go back to the agency or freelancer. This will be a great start.
Also, for promotion, it is worth choosing social networks in which the company’s target audience is more concentrated. In order to determine this, you need to know your target audience well and study the statistics of different social media sites because these data can change.
Try this way, perhaps this way you will significantly revitalize your business. It’s crucial how effectively you learned to use it doesn’t matter if you use YouTube or Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.